Top Banana Homework Pages

Top Banana Educational Foundation
Homework Journal Content Type and Views Theming

Used CCK and Views to add easier editing to homework journal pages and output in a simular way, adding functionality for video reviews.

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  1. views templates were heavily themed with custom sorting functions and rewriting of fields to match existing page output
  2. each class has distinct url
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  1. class page; views header area was themed to modify based on number of url arguments and provide link to the full summery page
  2. math pages have css3 repeating gradient pattern in the style of graph paper
  3. all homowork journal pages include capablity for teachers to post review videos
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  1. lightbox module was customized to fit theme, including rollover sprites for navigation button
  2. jquery script was written to limit the video only pertaining to the specified lesson, default is all videos on the page
  1. writing class pages have lined paper created with repeating css3 gradient pattern
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  1. node edit form is set to generate node title from date and class selected
  2. date selection is a date picker
  3. class options are generated by module from the current list of scheduled classes, classes with TBD are sorted not to appear on the list
  4. teachers can embed video by specifying the url